Rohm&Haas has descontinued Primal AC 33 since 2002. As the successor, manufacturer recommends a new version Primal AC-236that has greatly improved UV resistance and its flexibility upon ageing. Primal AC-236 is a pure acrylic dispersion , which has excellent weather resistance and excellent resistance to chalking and pigment -binding capacity.
Primal AC-236 contains no solvents, formaldehyde and ammonia free, odorless and environmentally friendly. Low viscosity and high solids content Primal AC-236 is exellent mortar and polychrome consolidant pure or thinned with water / alcohol, also used as exceptional pigment binder or acrylic medium for exterior wall paints and artist paints.
Soluble in water, alcohols, acetone, MEK, xilene and cross-mixed solvents