Shop Online and CATALOG with PRICES of Cargo Bikes, tricycles and work Cycles, Ice Cream Carts, Street Food Carts, Hot Dog, Crepes.
In this section you will find All our Products for Sustainable Transport on pedals and all Street Food Carts that we have made. The same we can prepare Handmade on commission for you, with the customization that you want. The photos of prepared Carts on Tricycles that you will see in this Web site, are only indicative and are used for to best explain what we can prepare for you.
We have many Models and each has its Why ....
If you want, we can help you to choose the mechanics basic that is the best for your needs or your project.
You can deepen your Know How about Cargo Bikes visiting our Website or , or make your purchase.
For correctness, we would like to inform all visitors of our Web Site, that a Cargo Bike is a Vehicle to Pedals (a Very Strong Bike), but it never can replace a Car or a Van. A Tricycle like our, can travel only for short distances, at low speed and with a low load. If you think you have to overcome steep ascents with heavy loads, unfortunately a Cargo Bike is not the right vehicle for you. Even with a kit Electric pedal assisted, can never overcome significant gradients like a Car.
If you decide to buy directly from the Web site, you need to do your registration and than confirm your registration by responding to the confirmation email that will come straight to your inbox. We ask for your phone number to allow for the possible contact and see if your purchase is the right choice and is suitable for your use. Thank You
New Tricycle ITALY HD GREEN DELIVERY MAXI Rear LoaderTricycle Model ITALY HD HEAVY DUTY GREEN DELIVERY MAXI with Rear Load Compartment and Differential can be shipped within 45-60 days |
New Tricycle ITALY HD GREEN DELIVERY MINI Rear LoaderThe Tricycle Model ITALY HD HEAVY DUTY GREEN DELIVERY with LITTLE Rear Load Compartment and Differential can be shipped within 45-60 days |
New Tricycle Model ITALY Rear Loader with DifferentialThe Tricycle Model Italy with Rear Load Compartment and Differential is the ideal Work Cargo Bike for sustainable transport in the cities. can be shipped within 45-60 days |
New Tricycle Model ITALY HD Rear Loader with DifferentialThe Tricycle Model ITALY HD HEAVY DUTY with Rear Load Compartment and Differential is the ideal Work Cargo Bike for sustainable transport can be shipped within 45-60 days |
can be shipped within 45-60 days |
New Tricycle Model ITALY HD BOX Rear Loader with DifferentialThe Tricycle Model ITALY HD HEAVY DUTY with Rear Load Compartment and Differential is the ideal Work Cargo Bike for sustainable transport can be shipped within 10 days |
New ATTILA 2.0 Work Tricycle Cargo BikeItalian Tricycle Cargo Bike ATTILA 2.0 HEAVY DUTY A84 with Lowered Platform, and renforced wheels is designed for Heavy Duty. can be shipped within 45-60 days |
New NORDIK HD Tricycle + Fiberglass Speedy BoxNORDIK HD Tricycle with SPEEDY Box / Fiberglass Workbench for HOME DELIVERY or as a Bench for Street Food (to be set up) can be shipped within 10 days |
New NORDIK 2.0NORDIK 2.0 is a MADE in ITALY 3 Wheels Cargo Bike, fast and easy to handle. It's perfect for Quick Home Delivery in the City. can be shipped within 45-60 days |
WAGON BIKE L80 Work Bicycles Long Cargo BikeWAGON BIKE L80 is a Long Bicycle CARGO BIKE suitable for City Logistic and Home Delivery Parcels can be shipped within 45-60 indicativi days |
New WAGON BIKE Long Cargo Bike L60 Work BicyclesWAGON BIKE L60 Long Cargo Bicycle CARGO BIKE, suitable for transporting parcels like Pony Express in Center of City
Price List
1,350.00 €
You save 400.00 €
can be shipped within 10 days |
New ITALY ICE CREAM BIKE Ice Cream Cart 9 FlowersCARRETTO GELATI ITALY ICE CREAM BIKE 9 Flavors with Rear Bench in FIBERGLASS is a Itinerant Ice Cream Shop with Pedals with Solar Panels. can be shipped within 60 - 80 days |
SPUTNIK BasicSPUTNIK Basic, the Robust but Economical tricycle, designed for work. It is a simple Cargo Bike, suitable as a mechanical base. can be shipped within 10 days |
New Monordik Stainless Steel - Cargo Moped1,200.00 € *
Price List
2,300.00 €
You save 1,100.00 €
can be shipped within 20 days |
BIKE'S TRAILER XL 2.0 for bicycleTrailer XL for bicycle, to carry loads in Bicycle. You can attaches it to the seat tube and carry over 160 Kg can be shipped within 45-60 days |
New Cargo Bike for Transport People Disabled on wheelchairCargo Bike NORDIK Heavy Duty for Transport People Disabled wheelchair-wheels. person is uploaded directly Sitting on wheelchair can be shipped within 30 days |
Tricycle NORDIK Carry BinsTRICYCLE CARRY BINS NORDIK for Ecological Services and cleaning or maintenance of public areas, Roads, Yards, Gardens. can be shipped within 45-60 indicativi days |
Tricycle NORDIK Carry Cargo PalletTRICYCLE CARRY BINS NORDIK for Ecological Services and cleaning or maintenance of public areas, Roads, Yards, Gardens, Industry can be shipped within 45-60 indicativi days |
Cocktail Bike for Aperitif, Spritz and drinks SECOND HANDTRICYCLE BAR for COCKTAILS and Aperitifs, Ideal for serving Beverage in outdoors services. The tricycle is USED ( Second Hand) and is in excellent condition.
Price List
5,700.00 €
You save 1,300.00 €
can be shipped within 10 days |
New COFFEE BIKE TRICYCLE WOODEN WORKBENCH BasicCOFFEE BIKE is a Cargo Bike Tricyclefor preparing Itinerant Coffee Shop Cafeteria for prepare and sell coffee, Capuchins and Breakfast. can be shipped within 45-60 days |
New STREET FOOD BIKE PASTRY mobileSTREET FOOD PASTRY BIKE BASIC is a tricycle with WOODEN WORK BENCH for preparing a ITINERANT PASTRY SHOP can be shipped within 40 Lavorativi days |
New PIZZA BIKE TRICICLO ROMAPIZZA BIKE, a complete ITINERANT PIZZERIA with WOOD OVEN. A very sturdy tricycle for making street Food with pizza can be shipped within 30 days |
New FRIDGE TRAILER FOR BIKEFRIDGE TRAILER FOR STREET FOOD BICYCLES. It is a Trailer that connects to any bicycle or tricycle can be shipped within 30 days |
New BASIC TRAILER FOR BICYCLE FIBERGLASS BOXMINI TRAILER BASIC FOR BICYCLES with FIBERGLASS BOX. It is a trailer that connects to any bicycle or tricycle. can be shipped within 30 days |
New BASIC TRAILER FOR STREET FOOD BIKETRAILER BASIC FOR STREET FOOD BICYCLES. It is a trailer that connects to any bicycle or tricycle. It is still to be set up. can be shipped within 45-60 days |
New KIOSK DISPLAY STAND CARGO BIKE TRICYCLEDisplay stand or Newsstand on Tricycle Cargo Bike for Itinerant Sale of many goods, such as jewelery, perfumes, glasses, etc. can be shipped within 45-60 days |
New HOT DOG CART BIKE SPEEDY NORDIKHOT DOG CART BIKE SPEEDY to create the Best SIMPLE and LUCRATIVE Street Food Job with HOTDOG and DRINKS can be shipped within 30 days |
New FRYER CART TricycleCart Tricycle with Fryer, for COOKING FRIED FOOD with GAS LPG, ideal for STREET FOOD and Parties in Town can be shipped within 45-60 indicativi days |
New FRYER - ROAST CHESTNUT CART TricycleVERSATILE cart for FRYING, and COOKING FOOD or CHESTNUTS with GAS LPG, ideal for STREET FOOD for Fairs in Town can be shipped within 45-60 indicativi days |
New STREET FOOD BIKE QUADRA BASIC on ATTILASTREET FOOD BIKE QUADRA BASIC ATTILA is a tricycle with Alluminium BENCH still to Customize for Heavy Preparation STREET FOOD. can be shipped within 45-60 indicativi days |
New STREET FOOD CART BIKE BIG FOOT BASIC ROMASTREET FOOD CART BIKE BASIC su ROMA is a tricycle with a Fiberglass Bench for Streetfood like Crepes, Hot Dogs, Sandwiches can be shipped within 30 days |
New ROAST CHESTNUT CART DLX TricycleROASTED CHESTNUTS CART DLX With GAS LPG on Tricycle New ROMA to cook and sell in style STREET FOOD BICYCLE can be shipped within 45-60 indicativi days |
New STREET FOOD BIKE CYCLO CHEF BASICSTREET FOOD BIKE CYCLE CHEF BASIC is a Professional PEDAL KITCHEN ALLOY made, to make STREET COOKING can be shipped within 45-60 indicativi days |
Workbench BIG FOOT XL Fiberglass for StreetFoodBIG FOOT XL is a Fiberglass Street Food Work Bench designed for Tricycle ROMA or ATTILA. It is still to be prepared from Yourself
Price List
1,700.00 €
You save 1,000.00 €
can be shipped within 15 days |
Workbench SPEEDY BOX Fiberglass for StreetFoodSPEEDY BOX is a Fiberglass Street Food Work Bench designed for Tricycles Cargo Bike. It is still to be prepared from Yourself
Price List
1,500.00 €
You save 1,000.00 €
can be shipped within 15 days |
New Dynamic Kiosk Basic Street Food Truck TowableSTREET FOOD TRUCK Towing for Car, no yet been Prepared. Suitable for setting up Mobile Ice Cream Shop, Street Food Point ecc. . can be shipped within 60 days |
New Trail Kiosk Cart Fiberglass TowableSpherical Kiosk Towing for Car, no yet been Prepared. Suitable for setting up Itinerant Ice Cream Shop, Hot Dog, Crepes, Cocktail Bar can be shipped within 60 days |
New Trail DREAM Kiosk Cart Fiberglass TowableSpherical Kiosk Towing for Car, no yet been Prepared. Suitable for setting up mobile Ice Cream Shop, Hot Dog, Crepes, Cocktail can be shipped within 60 days |
New Trail DREAM CUP Kiosk Cart Fiberglass TowableSpherical Kiosk Towing for Car, no yet been Prepared. Suitable for setting up mobile Cafeteria, Ice Cream Shop, Hot Dog, Crepes, Cocktail can be shipped within 60 days |
New FLORENS Kiosk Basic TrailerFLORENS KIOSK on Towing Trailer for Cars still to be set up. Suitable for itinerant sales of ice creams, hot dogs, crepes, bars, sandwiches can be shipped within 40 days |
New ELECTRIC KIT MOTOR BAFANG CENTRAL 250W LithiumElectric Kit for Pedal Assisted with Central motor Bafang 250 W LITHIUM 36V 17,5Ah on pedals axis , for tricycles and Cargo bicycles and Cargo Bikes can be shipped within 15 days |
New ELECTRIC KIT MOTOR BAFANG CENTRAL 250W LithiumElectric Kit for Pedal Assisted with Central motor Bafang 250 W LITHIUM 36V 17,5Ah on pedals axis , for tricycles and Cargo bicycles and Cargo Bikes can be shipped within 15 days |
New ELECTRIC KIT MOTOR BAFANG CENTRAL 500W LITHIUMElectric Kit for Pedal Assisted with Central motor Bafang 500 W on pedals axis, for tricycles and Cargo Bikes,for only Privat Areas can be shipped within 15 days |
New ELECTRIC KIT MOTOR BAFANG CENTRAL 750W LITHIUMElectric Kit for Pedal Assisted with Central motor Bafang 750 W on pedals axis, for tricycles and Cargo Bikes,for Heavy Load until 250/300 Kg can be shipped within 15 days |
New ELECTRIC KIT MOTOR BAFANG CENTRAL 750W LITHIUMElectric Kit for Pedal Assisted with Central motor Bafang 1000 W on pedals axis, for tricycles and Cargo Bikes with Heavy Load,for only Privat Areas can be shipped within 15 days |
New Tricycle Model ITALY HD Rear Loader with DifferentialThe Tricycle Model ITALY HD HEAVY DUTY with Rear Load Compartment and Differential is the ideal Work Cargo Bike for sustainable transport can be shipped within 45-60 days |
Cargo Bike and Tricycle suitable like mechanic base for preparation for Working Tricycle or work cycle.
Cargo Bikes and Tricycles can be Prepared for a Job use. Here you will find many preparations that we have made or Base to fit up.
STREET FOOD TRAIL TRUCK in Fiberglass. These are the brilliant idea for those who want to make Street Food with a reasonable investment
Push Cart for Street Food, Crepes, Hot Dogs, Mini Bars for events, Aperitifs, Spritz. Easily transportable and suitable as a corner
Accessories for Tricycles and Cargo Bikes and Street Food Carts. All the Accessories and Optional for Set Up a Cargo Bike for Street Vending
2 Wheels Cargo Bicycles for Work. Catalog and Shop Online in wich you can choose the most suitable Cargo Bike to your transport.