Shellac Flakes PROMO

19.90 €

Natural high gloss traditional wood finish and tannin-blocker.

Lemon shellac contains 4-5% of wax; TN Gold shellac 2-3%

De-waxed Orange, Ruby, Garnet and Platina contains <0,2% of wax; offer better transparency, enhanced hardness and moisture resistance, indicated for the finishing of string instruments; gives better adhesion and superior compatibility between varnishes and resins, ideal as tough primer, good release agent and sealer for all porous surfaces; de-waxed shellac is harder and needs up to 72H to dilute; heated mixture will dilute better and faster.

To dissolve shellac we suggest purest alcohol possible (we do NOT suggest 96º or lower ethanol). Perfect choice would be 99,9% methanol, isopropanol, propanol or butanol; 200-250gr to 1Liter. To facilitate the polishing proces, improve the properties of the varnish and additional shine it is suggested addition of 5% of benzoin gum; addition 10% of sandarac gum is recommended to enhance gloss and  increase hardness of varnish; 20% of sandarac added to produce traditional shellac sanding sealer; addition of 10 - 50% butanol facilitates handling with a retardant effect, extends working / drying time. Color can be adjusted with alcohol-based anilines

Selection: Shellac Flakes PROMO

Product no. Options Price
TN Gold Shellac 0.5K TN Gold Shellac 500gr 28.50 € *
Lemon Shellac 0.5K Lemon Shellac 500gr 28.00 € *
#PROMO# Orange Shellac 0.2K Orange Shellac 200gr 17.00 € *
Platina Shellac 0.2K Platina Shellac 200gr 25.00 € *
Platina Shellac 0.5K Platina Shellac 500gr 50.00 € *
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#PROMO# Ruby Shellac 0.2K Ruby Shellac 200gr 17.50 € *
#PROMO# Garnet Shellac 0.2K Garnet Shellac 200gr 16.00 € *

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Browse these categories as well: Resins Adhesives Varnishes, Home Page, Waxes - Oils - Emulsifiers - Wood - Leather Restoration - Metal Finish, Gilding Acessories